Members of the Society shall be divided into Active Members, Life-Time Members, Associate Members, Special Members, Honorary Members, and International Members
- - Active Members are individuals who hold a medical doctor license and neuro-surgeon specialist license in the Republic of Korea, have followed the required membership entry process after agreeing to the purpose of the Society, and acquired the approval from the executive board of directors.
- - Life-Time Members are individuals who are Active Members, have paid the specified full-time membership fee, and have completed the required process.
- - Associate Members are individuals who hold a medical doctor license and neuro-surgeon specialist license in the Republic of Korea and are non-Active Members.
- - Special Members are individuals who are studying in a field related to minimally invasive spine surgery and have acquired approval from the executive board of directors.
- - Honorary Members are individuals who are interested in the activities and purpose of the Society, may enhance the activities of the Society, and are appointed by the executive board of directors.
- - International Members are individuals who hold foreign nationalities, are either a medical scientist or a specialist in the field of spine surgery, and agree to the purpose of the Society.
- - Only Active Members are eligible for election and have voting rights within the Society.